
Start or stop one or more server.

Keep in mind that this does not apply for committed servers (see our plans page)


Our REST API endpoint for plans is available here:

PUT <https://api.fluidstack.io/v1/server/><server_id/<action>

Action can be one of start, `


start request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request PUT '<https://api.fluidstack.io/v1/server/><server_id>/start' -u '<your_api_key>:<your_api_token>' 

stop request:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request PUT '<https://api.fluidstack.io/v1/server/><server_id>/stop' -u '<your_api_key>:<your_api_token>'

Example response:

    "result": "server stop success",
    "server": "recp7Ny1W3BD5p8jd"

Please check that billing is correct for Running and Stopped servers Servers on the: