
Typically, most orders placed through our website are delivered within 24 hours due to manual fraud checks and/or the need for us to tell one of our suppliers to manually deploy a machine.

For machines that you need now, obviously this isn’t ideal. Instead, we’ve worked with some of our providers to directly integrate into their API.

Within 2 seconds, you can place an order for a server that is typically ready within minutes

Keep in mind that this is only for servers that have instant deployment enabled (see our plans page)


Our REST API endpoint for plans is available here:

POST <https://api.fluidstack.io/v1/server>


Custom server

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST '<https://api.fluidstack.io/v1/server>' -u '<your_api_key>:<your_api_token>' --data '{ "ssh_keys":["<your_ssh_key_id>"],"config" : { "cpu_count":1, "nvme_storage":50, "ram": 4,  "gpu_count":1, "gpu_model":"A40_48GB"} , "region":"recWvDf7kynwhsvJJ", "os":"Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"}'

Preconfigured server:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST '<https://api.fluidstack.io/v1/server>' -u '<your_api_key>:<your_api_token>' --data '{ "ssh_keys":["<your_ssh_key_id>"], "plan":"rec3pUyh6pNkIjCaL", "region": "norway_4_eu", "os":"Ubuntu 20.04 LTS"}'

Committed server

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST '<https://api.fluidstack.io/v1/server>' -u '<your_api_key>:<your_api_token>' --data '{ "admin_pass":"<password>", "plan":"recha6TOIrQQ2VMi3", "os":"Ubuntu 20.04 LTS", "term": "monthly"}'


Parameter Type Default Value Description
admin_pass Optional[str] "" Password for administration.
ssh_keys Optional[List[str]] [] List of SSH key IDs.
plan Optional[str] None Plan ID for server.
hostname Optional[str] None Name of the server.
config.cpu_model Optional[str] None CPU model for custom plan type.
config.gpu_model Optional[str] None GPU model for custom plan type.
config.gpu_count Optional[int] 1 Number of GPUs for custom plan type.
config.cpu_count Optional[int] 2 Number of CPU threads for custom plan type.
config.ram Optional[int] 4 RAM size in GB for custom plan type.
config.nvme_storage Optional[int] 50 Storage size in GB for custom plan type.
extra_disks Optional[List[DiskModel]] [] Additional storage for data centers that support it.
os str Operating system.
region Optional[str] None Region for server deployment.
term Optional[str] None Commitment term for the service.
request_monthly Optional[str] "No" Option to request monthly payment for long-term commitments.
multiplicity Optional[int] 1 Number of instances to create.